Articles and preprints:
Semi-Local Exotic Lagrangian Tori in Dimension Four, joint with Johannes Hauber and Joel Schmitz, accepted for publication in Annales de l’institut Fourier (arXiv:2403.00408)
Local exotic tori, submitted (arXiv:2310.11359)
Hamiltonian equivalence of toric fibres and symmetric probes, accepted for publication in Algebraic Geometry & Topology (arXiv:2302.00334)
Pinwheels as Lagrangian barriers, joint with Felix Schlenk, published in Communications in Contemporary Mathematics (arXiv:2210.00280)
Appendix to On certain quantifications of Gromov’s non-squeezing theorem, by K. Sackel, A. Song, U. Varolgunes and J. J. Zhu, published in Geometry & Topology (arXiv:2105.00586)
An introduction to the Chekanov torus, expository article published in Proceedings of the Gökova Geometry-Topology Conference 2021
Real Lagrangian Tori and Versal Deformations, accepted for publication in Journal of Symplectic Geometry (arXiv:2002.03696)
On the topology of real Lagrangians in toric symplectic manifolds, joint with Joontae Kim and Jiyeon Moon, published in Israel Journal of Mathematics (arXiv:1912.10470)
Ongoing projects:
Exotic cube embeddings, joint with Grigory Mikhalkin and Felix Schlenk
Classification of split tori in S^2 x S^2 and applications, joint with Joontae Kim